Rule Category

SERVER-WEBAPP -- Snort has detected traffic exploiting vulnerabilities in web based applications on servers.

Alert Message

SERVER-WEBAPP SPIP PHP code injection attempt

Rule Explanation

This rule looks for PHP code injection in the 'oubli' HTTP parameter

What To Look For

This rule alerts when Snort detects an unsafe deserialization exploit attempt against SPIP.

Known Usage

No public information

False Positives

No known false positives


Cisco Talos Intelligence Group

Rule Groups

Rule Categories::Server::Web Applications

MITRE::ATT&CK Framework::Enterprise::Initial Access::Exploit Public-Facing Application


Additional Links

Rule Vulnerability

Insecure Deserialization

Insecure Deserialization relates to web application security. Applications turn an object into data through serialization; the reverse of that process, deserialization, can be vulnerable to attacks when the application trusts the data that is being deserialized. Serialized data is machine readable and not encrypted; serialized user-supplied data should not be trusted. Deserialization attacks can lead to remote code execution.

CVE Additional Information

This product uses data from the NVD API but is not endorsed or certified by the NVD.
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